Praise HIM whatever befall u
I was reminded yesterday morning incident between Benette (my younger son) and I after i read the above verses. As i was walking with him to school which is about 20 meter from home, he said :"Papa, why i always hear the noise of the bird every morning?", and i replied promptly saying : "The bird are praising the Lord". Yes, i may not know the bird's language, but I tks God for reminding me that i have to praise the Lord every morning. In fact, right after i told benette after the bird praising the Lord, the Lord brought me to see something that cause my heart to hurt/ache (sorry, is not convenient to share), but all i can say is : Pls pray for all the children in the church, pray that our Good Lord will shepherd them and bear them up forever. Amen. But that would not stop me from praising our God, in fact, as i was walking to the carpark, i was reminded to praise God, praising HIM for the morning. And this morning i thank HIM for the verses that He has give it to me and to all of us. He truly gave me comfort and the assurance of whom my GOD is. He is True and Living GOD!! Yes, i pray that may our Lord be our strength, saving refuge of His anointed, bless Your inheritance; Shepherd them also, And bear them up forever. Be Blessed.
Pray for the Peace of famililes
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces." For the sake of my brethren and companions, I will now say, "Peace be within you." (Psa 122:6-8) Dear saints, this morning i woke up with a desire or request that i would like all of you to do. That is to pray for the peace of the each family. I must say that many families do not have peace within their home. And i am afraid that there are many more whom we do not know. "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful". (Col 3:15) Pls pray for every families that you know. Pray for Peace and Joy in each and every families. Be Blessed!
Watch and Pray
As i was driving along the expressway yesterday morning, i was attracted to the siren light that was made by the traffic police, and when i turn over to look at, i saw the passengers in the car was trying to belt up their safety belts quickly. But i guess, it is all too late, because it must have been caught by the traffic police of not putting on the seat belt while driving. And if only after you are caught by the traffic police then you quickly belt all too late and it all over. At that moment, i was reminded of the 10 virgins in the bible (Matthew 25), 5 are wise and 5 are foolish. And i shared this incident to some saints yesterday. Do not live as if our Lord is not coming at all, do not think that our Lord is not coming so soon. I afraid when HE COME, just like the 5 foolish virgins, did not prepare enough oil to receive our Bridegroom. So i will end with these verses to remind all of us :)Mar 13:26 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. Mar 13:32 "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Mar 13:33 Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. Mar 13:35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning— Mar 13:36 lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. Mar 13:37 And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!" Be Blessed!
My treasure is CHRIST
Dearest saints, Just want to share to you the wondrous time that i have during last night prayer meeting: We begin singing "Jesus Lord You're our first love......." and we end with singing "Great is Thy Faithfulness". Yes, last night, during the prayer meeting, i experience that our Lord love us and His Faithfulness toward us never failed. As few saints were not be coming for the prayer meeting due to certain things to attend to, i was told by the brother to take care of the prayer meeting. At that time, as it was a holiday, i was already with my family for an outing and also to have dinner together. Even thought i have to attend the prayer meeting, i say within my heart:" well, the most is only 4 or less saints that will be coming for this evening prayer meeting". But Praise the Lord, not 4 but almost 15 saints came for the prayer meeting, and our Lord sent few that are seldom come. The Lord is "Our Treasure", we must have a "Hidden Lives" with our Lord, we are the "elect of God, holy and beloved", pray for the youth and the young people in the church, pray for the sick, praying that our Lord will grant us the strength and faith to lives on and NOT asking "WHY" when times are difficult and hard to understand....... and lastly we end by praising and thanking HIM for His Faithfulness. Ya, Glory be unto HIM. I tks HIM for such a True and Living God. I also experience His Voice telling me that my treasure is "CHRIST". As where the treasure is, there my heart will be . And that is why i was reminded to seek and to mind the things above, because Christ is there, sitting at the right hand of GOD. Come and experience HIM for yourself, do come for the prayer meeting. Be Blessed!
The saints were asking me what do i enjoy the most in my recent trip to Stuttgart, Germany, Zurich, Switzerland and Bangkok, Thailand. By His Grace, traveling on one of newest fleet B777-300 ER, hospitality by all the saints, going to one of the highest mountain in Zurich (3000m, 10 000fts), eating one of best mangoes & drinking one of the healthier fruit juice in Thailand, having the best food which were served by the beloved saints in Stuttgart, Zurich and Bangkok.......etc. The one things that i enjoyed the most, yes, and i guess is what the Lord wants me to see and also want me to share with you this morning is : Prayer. 1) Prayer for almost to an hour before the sharing of the message. It is not a prayer meeting, but just a meeting before a brother or two begin to share his messages. Not for just a session, but almost every sessions. 2) Praying unceasingly in the van or car, from point to point. So long as we are on the road, the brother will begin to pray, just keep on praying and praying. 3) Seeing Brothers praying together on their knees before the meeting (by the way, all you see in that room is just a knee-height table) 4) Hearing a sister praying one of the loudest prayer i ever heard in a restaurant, praising our the Good of our Lord & our God.........many more. Is not that we do not pray, i believe many of us do, right? but how often do we pray, may i ask? what is the relationship between you and God when you pray? and under what situation do you pray? and most importantly, do you believe that our Lord hear your prayer?
Our dear Lord Jesus Christ spend much time praying to the Heavenly Father while HE was on earth. From the above 4 example, i must tell you, the saints knew why they have to pray, praying has become part of their lives, just like breathing and they all have tasted the goodness of prayer. Is not just that the prayer was answered, but rather, they knew that according to HIS TIME, HE will made all things beautiful. Why must be to HIS TIME and not to our time or my time? can i leave this part to you and if you are free, perhap you can spend some pondering and praying and ask the Lord, : "Lord, why must be your time and not my time?" and if you have the answer, pls share with us :) tks. Be Blessed and pray without ceasing (1 Thes 5:17)
His Voice
2 men were in the office at New York City, and one of them heard a "cricket" sound, but the other could not hear it, but after much searching, they found it. So the one ask the other one who was able to heard the sound of the cricket, "how did you manage to hear it", that man replied : "oh, i grew in the farm where there were lots of crickets". After this, this men who found the crickets, took out a bunch of coins and drop it onto the floor, not only his friend turn his eye, many eyes turned too. The morale of the story is, "Is our ears sensitive to the His Voice or to other voices?" The Lord saith : "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me". (John 10:27). For us who are placed in this world, be it in the office, school, home, market or even church, with so much noise around us, are we able to hear His Voice. Are we able to hear our Good Shepherd voice? You may say : "Yes, we go to church every Sunday." But did you hear His Voice? By the ways, once a week is not enough, may we hear His Voice everyday. Dear Lord Jesus, in the midst of so many noises surrounding us, help us to hear your Voice! Be Blessed.