How blessed are you.
Hi Sis (reply to a beloved sister),
Inside me, i am really happy and want you to know how blessed you are, i tell u this in case u did not realise it. Our Lord is not sitting watching at you, but He is standing and looking at u. I hope u know the different between sitting and standing. Do u know what is the first word that the Lord appeared to His disciple. He said " Rejoice". He knew that all His disciple have lost their hope when our Lord had crucified on the cross. The moment He appeared to them, He has take away their fear and worry. He became their shield and strength. The feeling that u have that prompt u to look again at the video (Psalm 23) is truly the leading of the Holy Spirit. And i m glad that our Lord know all our situation and we helps one another. So in future, if you have any anxiety, believe me, He is standing there looking at u. Do u know which portion did our Lord stand up? it is found in the portion of ACTS just before stepher was martyred. So, look onto HIM. Just do your best, He will the rest. And indeed u "rest" in Him. I will pray for u. Not easy, i know. Cried onto HIM if is needed.
Brotherly love(brother and sister),kok yong.
Sharing from a sister:
Brotherly love(brother and sister),kok yong.
Sharing from a sister:
Coming back to God
I wanted to blog about how far I have drifted away from the Lord, feeling like He's a gazillion light years away from me, ever since I've plunged myself in a crazy attempt to start studying for my exams starting 25th nov, and still not getting anywhere.
( skipped sunday meeting last week, missed campus meeting in school on monday, missed campus meeting on friday, won't be going for YYP meeting tmr... I still read the bible though, but the only thing that seems creeping closer and closer to me are the eminent arrivals of my dreadful exams, and God is just way up there, sitting on His throne, too far to reach...)
I almost laughed the other day when I picked up the birthday card from a sister and read what she had written for me " .... that you really enjoy the Word almost everyday!!" God! like when did that last happen? a thousand years ago??
I was feeling so far away from the Lord, when...
Something inside me told me to take another look at the Psalms 23 video Bro Kok Yong sent over. I briefly looked through it a while ago while i was rushing an assignment, but looking through it again this time, it TOUCHED ME DEEPLY....
Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
( Lord lead me in the way I should study...)
He maketh me to lie down in gren pastures;
He leads mee to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
( Lead my mind to all these nice places now Lord. there's hurricanes, thunderstorms and tsunamis in my head, I need to go to a peaceful quiet place before I go siao)
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
( however tough the exams may be, may i never start to cheat, like some of my PFM classmates do)
For His name's sake.
( studying all this is for You Lord, that's what You want me to do)
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
( need I say more? it's only few days more )
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff,
they comfort me.
( thank you God)
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
( that I can still eat my breakfast properly on days i have papers, and not start coughing and feel like throwing up)
You anoint my head with oil;
( em, can we skip that God? pouring oil on my head?!)
My cup runs over.
( bless me abundantly?)
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
( wow!)
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD
( better is one day in Your courts than a thousand elsewhere...)
The video " Interview 1" and " interview2" are good too, and " forgiven" almost brought tears to my eyes.
God, i want to repent of all my stubbornness and folly of not coming back to You for help when I study. I know that thru Jesus, You've forgiven me and I want to come back to the shadow of Your wings.
Thank You that it's still not too late. Thank God......
Thank You for those videos. I wanna do something similar too.
thank you for your encouragement, it touched me greatly. If it wasn't for the video you sent, I would have still remain far from God.
The Lord bless the work that you do.
Praise the Lord that He has called you out to be a full-timer!
Anonymous, At
1:07 AM, November 19, 2006
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