Lord, why no one serve me?

U know why??????, perhap it is about time to share to all of u my testimony. How i was brought into No 1, Derbyshire Road (Meeting hall 1), March 1987 . Yup, almost 20 years ago. Praise God for His Grace and Mercy.
It all happened one Sat afternoon, March 1987, being a sportman then (pls do not doubt, seriously, i was much fitter then). I was invited by my cousin to join them for 'captain-ball' at the present baptist church just across the road. Unfortuately or perhap fortunate, the main gate was closed (they only open the side gate). And being not too sure of the location, i found out that there is another 'church' (at that time, to me, church is a building, but of course, if u do not know, 'church' is actually the 'called out' race, called out from the darkness of the world, into His marvellous Light. We are the children of Light, and we are called the 'Church'). So i walked in and at the invitation of some "youth" - (sis siew lay was one of the them), i stayed for the youth meeting. And i was baptised the following week.

So in the church life, we have to learn to help/serve one another. We have to take the Pro-active role. Instead of waiting to be served, be the first to serve. Be the first to know the bros and sisters. And that is me. Glory to His Name.
The secret of us, brothers that we can be here together since 1987 or earlier for some, ie Bro Sam, Bro Alvin, Bro Steven Lee, etc is that we spend lots and lots of time gather together in the meeting hall. We study, pray, read the words of God, and even swim together. Today, all of all are married. Praise the Lord and Glory to His Name.
In fact, i was sharing to one of the sister who is in the young pple to take up some initiative to gather the group together after the meeting, instead of waiting for serving one to organise the bi-monthly love feast, she can have a own 'tib-bit' , or even simple 'salad' feast. But of course, beside having to know each other better, gathering of saints is also the time where we are able to edify and strengthen each other faith.
So, for those who are still waiting to be served, wait no longer!!!!!! Love and be loved, serve and be served.

Psa 133:1 Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!
Amen bro! I thank the Lord He led you into in Church in Singapore, it has been a pleasure to have you as a bro.
Yes, indeed the Fraser's Hill hike did bring back many pleasant memories of how saints helped look out for each other long the way, and how we encouraged each other on. May we continue to run this race, and keep the faith together!
Anonymous, At
6:21 PM, October 29, 2006
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