Arises, Go and Say!
I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, (Luke 15:18)
"Will he run out of sharing?" a beloved sister ask my wife concerning my daily sharing from the verses. I guess the above is the answer. I will arise , go to my FATHER, and say, "Abba Father, thank you for today, thank you that your mercies never ceases, they are new morning and great is thy faithfulness. Father, pray that this morning, grant me words that is able to edify and strengthen the saints. Pray all these in Jesus name, Amen"
Will Arise, Go and Say are Action words. Seek and you shall find, Ask and it shall be given onto you and Knock and it will be opened onto you. Come onto me and i will give you rest, not only be a hearer but be a Doer.
Do not just read and hear the words of God, but be a doer of the words of God. Doer required you to arise, go and do it, say it. If you have offended someone, you have to arise, go that person and say "i am sorry for what i have done, pls forgive me". If you have owe people money, arises, go and returned the money that lend it to you. If you have quarrel with someone, arise, go and apologies. Yes, i know, it is not easy. But the more, we have to ask our Lord to grant us strength to do it.
Why we have to do all this? Arise, go and ask the Lord. He will surely show it to you. Remenber : He is the rewarder to those who SEEK HIM.
Grace and Peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be to you. Love God!! and for those married saints, Love your wife.
"Will he run out of sharing?" a beloved sister ask my wife concerning my daily sharing from the verses. I guess the above is the answer. I will arise , go to my FATHER, and say, "Abba Father, thank you for today, thank you that your mercies never ceases, they are new morning and great is thy faithfulness. Father, pray that this morning, grant me words that is able to edify and strengthen the saints. Pray all these in Jesus name, Amen"
Will Arise, Go and Say are Action words. Seek and you shall find, Ask and it shall be given onto you and Knock and it will be opened onto you. Come onto me and i will give you rest, not only be a hearer but be a Doer.
Do not just read and hear the words of God, but be a doer of the words of God. Doer required you to arise, go and do it, say it. If you have offended someone, you have to arise, go that person and say "i am sorry for what i have done, pls forgive me". If you have owe people money, arises, go and returned the money that lend it to you. If you have quarrel with someone, arise, go and apologies. Yes, i know, it is not easy. But the more, we have to ask our Lord to grant us strength to do it.
Why we have to do all this? Arise, go and ask the Lord. He will surely show it to you. Remenber : He is the rewarder to those who SEEK HIM.
Grace and Peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be to you. Love God!! and for those married saints, Love your wife.
A hymn that I enjoyed this morning:
Is your burden heavy as you bear it all alone?
Does the road you travel, harbor dangers yet unknown?
Are you tired and weary in the struggle of it all?
Jesus will help you, when on his name you call
He's always there hearing every prayer, faithful and true
Walking by our side, in his love we hide all the day through
When you get discouraged just remember what to do
Reach out to Jesus, he's reaching out to you
Is the life you're living filled with sorrow and dispair?
Does the future press you with its worry and its cares?
Are you tired and friendless, have you almost lost your way?
Jesus will help you, just come to him today
Amen. Reach out to Jesus, He's reaching out to you! Praise Him!
Anonymous, At
9:31 AM, May 24, 2007
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