He is our Treasure!
treasĀ·ure (tr

1. Accumulated or stored wealth in the form of money, jewels, or other valuables.
2. Valuable or precious possessions of any kind.
3. One considered especially precious or valuable.
What is your treasure? For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.(Mat 6:21). So while you are still storing or accumulated your treasure, i pray that your heart still has room for our Dear Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Treasure and only His reward is eternal.
What is your treasure? For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.(Mat 6:21). So while you are still storing or accumulated your treasure, i pray that your heart still has room for our Dear Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Treasure and only His reward is eternal.
Is God like a begger for love? We should not perceive Him as someone who is trying to beg for our love and attention all the time.
On the other hand, if we can see the beauty of Jesus, we will be drawn to Him automatically.
Therefore, preach the love and beauty of Jesus boldly.
Anonymous, At
1:04 AM, November 10, 2007
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