Water Therapy
"Water Therapy" is the newest word in my vocabulary, that is to have at least 4 glass (1.2 litres) of plain water to begin with in the morning. And i am now drinking the 1st glass. And i guess my beloved wife will smile when she read this sharing.
The reason behind this was that i was telling the brothers if that is a sickness that would that my life away, it would have to be : Kidney failure. I do not like to drink water and i have suffered twice having stone in my kidney. And the reason for me to take our brothers advice of having to have a "water therapy" is that if i do not take care of myself, how many i able to take care of other? and that remind me of one of my dear brother. : "Take care of your wife" i told him as they gone for holiday, but i have forgotten to tell him, :"Take care of yourself first, before you take care of your wife" and true enough, my dear brother fall sick.
Most of us who has taken an airplane and if you have listened to the safety briefing, you would have realized that in case of emergency, when the oxygen mask drop from the top and if you have children beside you, you have to put it on yourself first and thereafter you put it on the children. But somehow, many of us would have agreed that we should put it on to the children, right?
Likewise in our spiritual walk, before we help other how to walk spiritual, it have to begin from "YOU" first. Do not tell people how to walk if you yourself do not even know how to walk. Learn to pray before you tell people how to pray or pls pray. Ya, you may say that a soccer coach may not know how to play but he is able to coach. I agreed.
But this is a Christian walk before our GOD, and our Lord Jesus led by example.
To lead your small group, youth group or even the whole church, it has to be led by "Example".
What we need most today is not just simply advise, teaching or even lecture from you, but we need YOU to set a good example.
You have to live a Godly life before you teach your children to live a Godly living.
You have to love our God before you teach the youth how to love God.
You have to be part of the building before you teach the saints how to build one another in the church.
Just like Apostle Paul says "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ". (1 Cor 11:1). Give a thought about our Lord Jesus, and you would agreed with Bro Paul saying: "Imitate Christ". Be Blessed!
The reason behind this was that i was telling the brothers if that is a sickness that would that my life away, it would have to be : Kidney failure. I do not like to drink water and i have suffered twice having stone in my kidney. And the reason for me to take our brothers advice of having to have a "water therapy" is that if i do not take care of myself, how many i able to take care of other? and that remind me of one of my dear brother. : "Take care of your wife" i told him as they gone for holiday, but i have forgotten to tell him, :"Take care of yourself first, before you take care of your wife" and true enough, my dear brother fall sick.
Most of us who has taken an airplane and if you have listened to the safety briefing, you would have realized that in case of emergency, when the oxygen mask drop from the top and if you have children beside you, you have to put it on yourself first and thereafter you put it on the children. But somehow, many of us would have agreed that we should put it on to the children, right?
Likewise in our spiritual walk, before we help other how to walk spiritual, it have to begin from "YOU" first. Do not tell people how to walk if you yourself do not even know how to walk. Learn to pray before you tell people how to pray or pls pray. Ya, you may say that a soccer coach may not know how to play but he is able to coach. I agreed.
But this is a Christian walk before our GOD, and our Lord Jesus led by example.
To lead your small group, youth group or even the whole church, it has to be led by "Example".
What we need most today is not just simply advise, teaching or even lecture from you, but we need YOU to set a good example.
You have to live a Godly life before you teach your children to live a Godly living.
You have to love our God before you teach the youth how to love God.
You have to be part of the building before you teach the saints how to build one another in the church.
Just like Apostle Paul says "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ". (1 Cor 11:1). Give a thought about our Lord Jesus, and you would agreed with Bro Paul saying: "Imitate Christ". Be Blessed!
Just like Apostle Paul says "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ". (1 Cor 11:1).
What are the characteristics of Christ must we imitate? Most of us would associate that with just high moral standards or lump it into one category: "Be good, be holy"
How about starting with love and forgiveness?
Anonymous, At
7:43 PM, October 16, 2007
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